
Imaginality Create Help – Coding v

This video shows how to learn coding (aka computer programming) in Imaginality Create. This includes creating an example scene of a Magnifying Glass that enlarges the Earth, and using the use “V

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Imaginality Create Help – Coding via UI and Manually

Imaginality Create help – interact

Imaginality Create includes an Interaction Result called ‘Play Animation’, which will play the stecified animation of the chosen model. You can choose the model to play the animation of &#

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Imaginality Create help – interaction result – play animation

Imaginality Create help – interact

Imaginality Create includes an Interaction Result called ‘Stop Animation’, which will stop any playing animations of the chosen model. You can choose the model to stop the animation of 

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Imaginality Create help – interaction result – stop animation

Imaginality Create help – interact

Imaginality Create includes an Interaction Trigger called ‘Model Invisible’, which will trigger an Interaction Result if a model is currently invisible. You can choose the model to be chec

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Imaginality Create help – interaction trigger – model invisible

Imaginality Create help – interact

Imaginality Create includes an Interaction Trigger called ‘Model Visible’, which will trigger an Interaction Result if a model is currently visible. You can choose the model to be checking

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Imaginality Create help – interaction trigger – model visible

Imaginality Create help – interaction trigger – seconds visible

by on July 2, 2013 at 5:05 am

Imaginality Create includes an Interaction Trigger called ‘Seconds Visible’, which will trigger an Interaction Result after a model (the model selected in the ‘3D Models’ list) has been visible for a certain length of time.
You can specify the number of seconds to wait – this defaults to 1 second.
You can choose between:

  • “Greater Than”, which will trigger a result constantly (i.e. every frame) that is greater than X seconds. For example, give the dragon “Seconds Visible” of Greater Than 1 second with a Result of “Look At Model” Ninja, then it will continue to look at the Ninja.
  • “Exactly”, which will trigger a result only once (i.e. only one frame) at exactly X seconds. For example, give the dragon “Seconds Visible” of Exactly 1 second with a Result of “Play Audio”, then it will play the audio only once, 1 second after the dragon becomes visible.
in Help

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Imaginality Create Example – Ninja Vs Many Robots

by on September 13, 2012 at 5:44 am

This example makes a ninja fight off a horde of robots. We place our ninja on paddle 1, and our robots on all empty paddles (2-11). We make the robots Look At the robot, and use a series of Play Animation results so that the ninja and robots fight, and the robots get knocked over when they come close to the ninja.
Other ideas: make these interactions also play sound effects; try playing other animations.
Note, you can’t make the ninja look at the robots so easily, because it doesn’t know which one to look at.

You can download the module to run it and modify it.

Example 2 - Ninja Vs Many Robots

in Examples

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Imaginality Create help – rule result – look at model

by on June 19, 2012 at 9:33 am

This video shows how to use a Rule Result of “Look At” in the Imaginality Builder. This includes an example of placing a Ninja and a Robot two separate paddles and making them look at each other.

You can also download the module created in this video to run it and modify it.
You can also download the video as an mp4 file to view offline.

in Help

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